To strengthen Limestone County families and support child safety and development through life-changing programs and services.
Every family in Limestone County be given an opportunity to thrive.
Faith… We have full faith and confidence in the human spirit to overcome adversity especially when guided and supported by the community. It is our honor to be the connection between those in need and those who can guide to foster deeper family foundations.
Respect… We respect the dignity of each person and family we serve — protecting their privacy, providing appropriate services in a timely manner, and listening with an open heart. We respect our colleagues and volunteers — collaborating through positive activities and communications. We respect other non-profits, government agencies, and businesses as they share their resources and expertise to build stronger Limestone County families.
Cooperative and Collaborative… These relationships strengthen our families and therefore our community. We welcome constructive input, volunteers of all ages and abilities, partnerships with service-driven organizations and other forms of community support. We are engaged with local civic organizations, non-profits, and churches as we keep pace with social and economic conditions.
Emmett Moore
Executive Director
Anna Carr
Program Manager
(FACT Program)
Samantha Smith
Program Coordinator (Family Solutions, Project Smile, Social Media)
Janet Bozigian
Program Coordinator (Limestone County’s Families First, Workforce Development – TANF)
Linda Kennedy
Program Coordinator (Family Ramp, Shepherd’s Closet)
Kayla Crowson
Program Coordinator (Workforce Development – A-RESET)